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Wednesday, January 21, 2009


1. 我。。原来还是以前的我。从来都不曾让人笑过。只因我根本就是个很闷的人。话不多,没话题。不能疯疯癫癫的让身边的人拥有难忘的一天。原来这就是人人都不想和我出的原因。第一次感觉做人很失败!
2. 我。。原来一点都不坚强,也希望会有人陪我。以往都是假想有人陪我,自己骗自己。这样还算不错。但毕竟只是想象的人物而已。罢了!都过了这么久也该习惯了。
3. 心里很不舒服。没原因,就不爽而已。是成年累月累积下来,压抑心情的后果吗?可能吧。想爆发却不能如愿。就再叫东西吃了。


JCSJia said...

No worries la, still got us here ma, surely will torture Josh bring u out with us de, okie!? Right Josh...^^

Mei tell him ohh, okie?

Anyway hope you don't feel so lonely always...open your heart and forgive those who treat you badly...angels will always be guiding you. That way u'll have more friends u'll cherish more.

Remember you gave me a Lady Luck before...hehe. Know I lent her to you so cheer up dude.


Ms.Michella said...

paise la~~didn't accompany you that day.but you still can sms me ar~~~always stand by and ready to listen and share!and cheer up!!!don't always so down la~~~you still got friends that always stand beside you la.just that you didn't realise.open your heart open your mind open your eyes, you'll find the world looks better than what you think.get me??!!

PS:why use lala?